Another good result for Breyten

Breyton Meyer

Breyten Meyer has been involved with the Academy from the beginning, first as a school student and now as a post school graduate and while his game showed consistent improvement when he was at school it is progressing in leaps and bounds now that he has finished and is devoting more time to the game.

His tournament results this year have provided motivation – success breeds success – to keep up the good work he is doing on the range and a lull in the tournament schedule has given him the opportunity to improve his physical conditioning at Kenako.
Breyten played against Stafie Barnard in the semi finals of the Southern Cape Matchplay which took place at the wonderful Oubaai Golf Estate this past weekend. Both players played terrific golf in challenging conditions – they were all square at around 4 under par after 18 holes – and had to go extra holes to decide the match which Breyten won on the 19th.
Congratulations Breyten and good luck in the finals.

Roger Wessels.
Director of Coaching.