KeNako Students play a role at the Volvo Championship

The KeNako students were involved as on-course ball spotters or in some form of marshalling capacity at last week’s Volvo Golf Champions played at The Links golf course. The boys and girls got a close up view of some of the best players in the world and thoroughly enjoyed their experience, which included getting wet in the rain that arrived on day 3 of the tournament. The students experienced long days, having to be at The Links around 07h30 each morning and only returning to the academy late each afternoon.

Many of the students had their caps signed by most of the select group of players. Being so close to the action can only help the KeNako students to better understand what it takes to become a champion! It was great that the KeNako Academy was able to allow the academy students to assist at the tournament. It was a fun 4 day adventure!

