Health and Wellness

Flexibility is Vital to a Balanced Life

 Balance or Balancing – how does it work and why do we need it in life?

Life is a journey of many lessons.  One of those lessons is how not to be stubborn, which in turn relates to flexibility or an inflexible attitude.  Each and every one of us needs to learn to stop and think; to look, to listen and to learn; to put into practice life’s lessons rather than continuing in the same old stubborn vein!.  Without a flexible attitude this will be impossible.  Inflexibility will in all probability result in an individual enjoying an average life and with it associated average success.

To achieve balance our response systems need to be flexible. When our personal desires become too important we become unbalanced. Personal desires need to be flexible and need to change as time changes and as we grow as a person.  On occasion we may have to deal with issues that are unwelcome or unforeseen.  When such circumstances arise, do we give up and if we do have to give up on something how do we learn when it is the right time to give up, how best it is to give up or perhaps just to retire gracefully? J Letting go is always painful and it is a life lesson that we are consistently exposed to.


Bracketing is a form of learning how to fragment your mind into sections. It allows one to focus on the different elements relating to whatever it is that one is doing or focused on.  Things are broken down into different segments and analysed independently of each other.  Bracketing is beneficial to life in general or to a specific aspect of life like golf.  Think of the process of playing a golf hole.  It is played in phases and this relates to bracketing.  Alternatively am I struggling with my golf game because of my technique or my physical condition or my attitude?  If one breaks things down like this, this too is bracketing.  Bracketing is a skill that can help us to find balance. On occasion we need to listen to new ideas and put our own aside. Sometimes we need to let things go and make ourselves open to new thinking patterns so that we can move forwards more positively.


Growth brings us happiness and balance.  Sometimes we need to be able to let what we already have go; alternatively what we have already learned go; to be able to make the next positive step forwards. Discipline is a system of techniques that we use to deal constructively with the pain of problem solving in such a way that we come to the realization that all life’s problems can be solved.


Flexibility in life and segmentation of elements of life allows one new choices!


Mariette Le Roux