Congratulations to Minnette Faure on winning Gold at the recent SA Rythmic Gymnastics Championships held in Cape Town.Minnette has enjoyed an excellent year, but she unfortunately sustained an injury prior to the SA Champs which meant that she was unable to compete in the Individual Championships. She still managed to compete with her Group in the Group Open Dance Category, with the group consisting of eight dancers aged 12 – 15. They won Gold in the Free Hand, which is a dance routine with no Apparatus. They perform a variety of lifts, leaps and acrobatic rhythmic dance moves in unison. In the Individual Competition the girls complete 4 routines, including one Free Hand and three with Apparatus. Minnette’s apparatus are Ball, Hoop and Clubs. Besides competing in the SA Gym Games in Cape Town, Minnette Faure was also a judge – she is one of the youngest judges in South Africa! Well done Minnette!