Muscular Imbalance

Limitations to mobility can predict instability. Poor mobility leads to muscle imbalances through the following processes:

1. Reciprocal inhibition. This muscular phenomenon occurs when a tight muscle decreases the neural drive to its functional agonist. This leads to compensation patterns and predictable injury patterns.

2. Synergistic Dominance. The neuromuscular phenomenon that occurs when synergists, stabilizers, and neutralizers take over for a weak or inhibited prime mover.

3. Arthrokinetic Inhibition. The neuromuscular phenomenon that occurs when a muscle is inhibited by joint dysfunction or the capsule that crosses the joint.

Muscle imbalances: These are mostly caused by a sedentary lifestyle e.g. Lack of variety of movements; prolonged static postural stress due to sitting, standing, walking in straight line. The golf swing involves forceful lateral and torsional movements. Overuse leads to shortening/tightening of postural muscles. Disuse leads to weak/inhibition of phasic muscles. Tightening of one muscle leads to neurological inhibition of the agonist muscle.

KeNako Academy, Muscular Imbalance, Fitness article.



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